Sunday 18 March 2012

A Few Best Men Review

So i happen across this movie randomly and so i didn't really know what to expect the description give was:
    "A comedy about a groom and his three best men who travel to the Australian outback for a wedding."
Not really a lot to go on so i just started watching... 
Firstly the main character has a really annoying voice and for the part he was playing, The "hero" in love" they could chosen a better actor i feel, he was just to innocently charming whilst all of his friends had major faults, he on the other hand was perfect. So i think someone playing him a bit differently would of helped.
The editing was fine nothing spectacular but it was a comedy so didn't need it and there was only one instance where i saw a really bad cut it was like a Long shot to a Close up but at the same angle so it just looked like a Jump zoom other than that they were all cut at a nice pace and it didnt disturb "The Peace"**.

I thought in place the soundtrack was a bit much but only really near the beginning and the voice audio, was too clean it almost sounded like maybe the main voice audio was a few too many decibels higher than the other diegetic sound in the same way the music was.

The story is not a complicated one,
A boy starts on his journey to wards being a man (he proposes)
Him and his companions start there quest (its in Australia) 
The mischievous companion causes more trouble to there quest making a routine wedding into a shit storm (literally)
very funny id say a lot funnier than hangover 1 or 2 the guys were English so maybe that's why i thought it was funnier.
but yea check it out i give it 7 on enjoyment factor.
I screamed, I laughed, and I cried, oh and i almost puked too.

*** The Peace
the peace is a phrase i had to come up with because I couldn't find a word to describe, the feeling of just being part of the story, like invested in it so much that you understand the characters like you've known them your whole life and when a obstacle arises even if they haven't said a word you know exactly what there feeling. where the music and the story and the editing, the actors leave the screen and are in front of you and all around you. 
so that is the definition of The Peace any thing that disturbs that makes the film worse.

Saturday 3 March 2012

Jericho Review Ep 1

so i was talking to some friends about what would happen if all electricity went out cause of a nuclear exploitation and anther said it was like this TV show Jericho so i checked it out...
the concept is cool but from one episode i dont really know where they are going to take it so i can only tell you what i thought of this one episode i watched.

Just from the first episode i can see there may be some problems with it for one thing the camera angles and movement really bugged me it was really amateur, cropping peoples heads, things moving in the way of the shot like doors and what not it just piss me off it a bit.

The acting isn't terrible but the lead character from the moment I saw him walked kinda made me uncomfortable maybe it was his jacket or maybe it was just how he held him self as a person (or should i say character) something about him maybe me think he was shady, nervous, and weak. which if you ask me isn't what you want in a hero. The script writing didn't help the actors ether, I'm not saying it was terrible or even too cheesey cause I like a bit of cheese there was even this great line in it where the main guy was like "when are you going to realise, im 32 now" and his dad goes "when you do" it was cheesey but appreciate. Its more that I felt like they thought the script was finished after like the 3rd draft or something the dialog was very "bare boned" didn't leave anything to the imagination.

The music score, well from the very start the music did not match the scene, for example at the end this girl is driving and hits something so she gets out of the car to find hundreds of dead crows on the road, (this is when she feels the need to say out loud "whats happening" even though shes by her self, now unless the writers thought that the demography of this show were retards there was no need for her to say anything) so im guessing the point of this scene was to show the impact of the explosion of the environment telling us that "this is a serious problem" but guess what song they chose of this? Snow Patrol Light Up which has no connection at all with the show i think they would have been better off just sticking to a music score, I think they were just trying to jump on the Trend Train and unless your a show like Happy Endings there is really no need to do that especially if your trying to deal with an issue like Nuclear terrorism or war what ever it turns out to be...

i have a lot of free time on my hands so I'm going to keep watching even though it was cancelled, they had enough fans to get it going for anther 7 episodes so there's gotta be something good about it, but still if you dont have a fuck load of time on your hands I wouldn't bother you might as well just wait for the new episodes of what ever show your already watching... speaking of the black guy at the beginning of the first season of the walking dead is in jericho and hes the only character i actually like, him and some social recluse but only because he used his head i fucking hate idiots!!!